The The Third Order Regular of St. Francis which is called Tertius Ordo Regularis Sancti Francisci in Latin is a mendicant Order founded by St. Francis of Assisi in 1221 and enumerated by the Catholic Church among the clerical institutes of pontifical right. In 1978, the Catholic Third Order of Saint Francis was reorganized and given a new Rule of Life, approved by Pope Paul VI.
The form of life of the Brothers and Sisters of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis is to observe the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ by living in obedience, in poverty and in chastity.
Following Jesus Christ after the example of St. Francis, they recognize that they are called to make greater efforts in their observance of the precepts and counsels of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
27/10/2024 48th Feast of the TOR Franciscan Minor Seminary Kochchikade dedicated to the patronage of St. Francis of Assisi. Festive Mass was presid... [Read More]
Mary Stronach OFS, Vice Minister General for Order of Franciscans Secular visited our seminary today during her visit to Sri Lanka on OFS Chapter this... [Read More]
We are pleased to announce that the pastoral care of the Parish of Our Lady of Good Health, Habarana is handed over to our Province recently by His Lo... [Read More]
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