TOR Franciscan Friars of Sri Lanka is one of the Religious Orders dedicated to the patronage of Our Lady of Lanka. TOR Franciscan Province of Our Lady of Lanka was initially originated in 1877 as a pious association dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary founded by an Italian Priest, Very. Rev. Fr. Luigi Pitchenelli with a group of youngsters at Maggona, Sri Lanka Later, this pious association was gradually developed as a non-clerical indigenous congregation in Sri Lanka.
After receiving the papal recognition on 26th of March in 1892 the said association was recognized as FRANCISCAN BROTHERS OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (FBV). Their main apostolates at that time became teaching, administering schools and taking care of orphans.
After 105 years, with lots of struggles and efforts, this non-clerical indigenous congregation was amalgamated with the THIRD ORDER REGULAR OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI (TOR Franciscans) in Rome on 13th of November in 1982. At the amalgamation our religious community was declared a Commissariat of Our Lady of Lanka. Subsequently, the Commissariat was elevated to a Vice Province on 10th of August 1992 and on 04th of February 2022 it was elevated to the status of a Province.
For 2024, TOR Franciscan Friars of the Province of Our Lady of Lanka is blessed with 72 members having 55 Solemn Vows Friars, 17 Simple Vows Friars, 48 Ordained Priests, 01 Permanent Brother. Having spread locally and internationally our friars carry out different apostolates and missions after the example and prayerful intercessions of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare of Assisi.
TOR Franciscans strive to realize their vocation to holiness, initiated at Baptism, which they have in common with all Christians. Their example is Saint Francis of Assisi who chose to follow the Lord Jesus Christ by living the Gospel Way in continual conversion. Like Saint Francis they freely bind themselves to live in fraternity, to observe the Gospel counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience. They dedicate themselves to contemplation, to the apostolate and to the works of mercy, giving special attention to the poor and the needy.
As I mentioned we have several missions in the order such as,
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